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Welcome to a new little focus on my blog - the Grad Series!

As my graduation day nears, post-grad success is one of the main topics of discussion in my everyday life; it seems like virtually everyone wants to talk about what's next. However, not everyone has a clear-cut future: I don't want to work a 70-hour workweek at a bank, or waste my potential on the ordinary. I'd rather put time into securing a job that nourishes me creatively. With this in mind, I have entered the online job market both determined and optimistic.

I thought it would be fun to create a short series as I approach the post-grad phase of my life, so I plan to make some posts about developing one's personal brand, tips and advice for college students, and whatever else pops into my mind. It's also an excuse to drop in some of my graduation photos, which I am utterly obsessed with. (Thanks, Jinwoo!)

Cheers to the start of something new, and be on the lookout for the first post in the Grad Series soon!

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